FastBuds Seeds Girl Scout Cookies AUTO

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Buy FastBuds Seeds Girl Scout Cookies AUTO on our online store Wide Eyed owl - at a bargain price. FastBuds Seeds Girl Scout Cookies AUTO We have a wide selection of FastBuds Seeds Girl Scout Cookies AUTO
Fast Buds Seeds Girl Scout Cookies Automatic Cannabis SeedsThis top-notch quality marijuana variety is undoubtedly the best Californian strain of all time. This beauty has gained plenty of fans throughout the United States West Coast, and is going strong in Europe and Asia. Fast Buds have succeed in recreating an auto flower that does the original GSC justice, selecting true Girl Scout Cookies genetics and blending them with Canadian Ruderalis. The outcome is an Indica-dominant hybrid (almost 60%) which offers a very undemanding crop and a tall plant with fan leaves which expose a reddish orange colour. Progressively, it is coated with bright white trichomes and due to the Ruderalis genes it doesn't need great care. GSC is perfect for medicinal use thanks to its very strong narcotic properties and has a therapeutic power that's able to combat chronic pain, neuropathy, muscle spasms, and PTSD. Very aromatic strain with the sweet flavour and earthy notes. The effect is cerebral, joyful and creative. Fast Buds Girl Scout Cookies female marijuana seeds finish in around 55 to 63 days. Please Note: This content is for informational and educational use only. Wide Eyed Owl sells all seeds strictly for souvenir purposes only or for storage in case the laws in the UK may change and for the conservation of cannabis seeds. We do not condone or encourage the germination of these cannabis seeds and we will refuse a sale to anyone who leads us believe they will use these for anything other than souvenir purposes. Seeds sold by Wide eyed owl may not be germinated in countries not legal to do so. WARNING: IT IS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE TO GERMINATE CANNABIS SEEDS IN MOST COUNTRIES
FastBuds Seeds